Our granddaughter was four and a half when my mother, her Great-Grandma Velma passed away in April, 2011. Just the other day, she shared her memories of visiting great-grandma every week, swimming at her retirement center pool and going out to dinner with her. We were blessed to have 4 generations for four and a half years.
I’m not sure how our granddaughter has retained these memories. However, I took a lot of pictures. Our daughter made a digital photo book about our 4 generations…the book arrived the day that my mother passed. Telling the story thru pictures and storytelling is a wonderful way to share family history.
These special pictures are saved to my permanent, guaranteed cloud storage account for future generations.
Do you want to save your photos and family history in one place where they will be passed to the next generation?
Learn how:
Please call: 913-529-4227
E-mail: awatkins@heritage-memories.com
Dedicated to: Our son, James E Watkins, III, 1980 – 2015: Guitarist, Musician, Web and Database Programmer; Intelligent, Creative, Silly, Loving, Strong, a Fighter (battled cancer for 5 years); Not Afraid to Speak His Mind. Known as the Angry Gnome and the World’s Greatest Uncle. Never forgotten; forever 34.